Air Freshener
空气清新剂Made from naturally fragrant plants with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Each active ingredient has been fermented for over 6-month to enhance their beneficial properties. It is 100% plant based with natural ingredients, non-toxic with ZERO chemical added. Effective for face mask freshener or skin freshener and insect bites too. Simply spray on area of inflammation or itchy mosquito bites.

All Purpose Cleaner
多功能清洁剂Made from enzyme extracts of fermented plants. It is naturally antibacterial, anti-odour, gentle on surfaces while tough on grease and stains. It also works as a natural repellent for pests. Suitable for all surfaces. Pair it with our Bio Laundry detergent for a cleaner and safe household for yourself and your family.
500 ml

Laundry Detergent
环保洗衣液Dr.Enzyme Laundry Detergent is made from the enzyme extract of fermented plants. It is antibacterial, anti-odour, gentle on skin and fabrics while tough on stains. Suitable for all fabrics and skin types, safe for babies’ clothings too. Bundle up with our Bio All-purpose cleaner for a clean and toxic-free household for your family! Suitable for all types of washing machines.